Cinderella : Review of the Film 30/3/15

Cinderella: A week ago I stood in the photographers’ pen photographing the stars. Tonight I watched the film. Here’s what i thought. The ugly sisters – could have been ‘uglier’ both in look and in nature and definitely more rounded in the film and maybe the prince’s character could also be a little more developed. […]

How to do an Impromptu Photoshoot

A little while ago now I went into Brick Lane (now becoming a regular place for my shoots) and ended up with some spare time. So on the spur of the moment I thought “let’s do an impromptu shoot”. My model took the camcorder and I just stopped people walking by. You know what? 90% […]

“I do like to be beside the seaside”

In the summer of 2013 I was lucky enough to work with the brilliant designer Aleah Leigh on a beach shoot by the seaside at Margate. Here is a short set of pictures I put together featuring Hannah Powell, one of the models who took part.  

How I started in Photography

In this video I talk about how in my early life I got the bug for taking pictures. And once bitten forever smitten. I got an SLR as a teenager and i never looked back: started taking model pictures at 13 years of age!!! i was a precocious youngster. How i learned photography is a not […]

What makes a Photographer?

    Everyone has a mobile phone today and most people have a smart phone (though as a matter of fact I only just obtained my first iphone 5G). So everyone is a photographer right? Maybe, maybe not. The question is what is the difference between the point and shoot operator and the SLR + […]


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